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ChemoHats is “Canada’s Only Boutique Oncology Store For Women Before, After And During Cancer Treatments”. They sell an absolute mind blowing amount of products, including mastectomy bras, head covers, wigs, breast forms, swimwear & much more. ChemoHats is owned and operated in Chilliwack, BC, selling both local made & international

Netcom Training, training arm of IBEW Local 213
Netcom Training is the educational arm of IBEW Local 213, a non-profit training organization of the Telecommunications / Low-voltage industries for fibre optic, cable, and more. They help train employees of various government levels, Shaw/Rogers, local IT management companies, and many more. Netcom Training was previously using a very old
Introducing a new Website Analytics solution – Umami Analytics
For many years now, I’ve been using Matomo Analytics which is an open-sourced self-hosted version of Google Analytics, and integrating that with all my client’s websites. While it collects a lot of useful details, it also causes a lot of headaches. I’ve been testing a new software tool called Umami

2022 In Review – Web & Tech Services
I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of the year already. I thought this would be a great time to list out a lot of the accomplishments, improvements, and additional features added this year for assisting all of my clients meet their online needs. Naturally there were also some hiccups

Pricing Increase – Effective November 2022
Due to global circumstances causing high inflation and a lower Canadian dollar (CAD), my business operating costs have increased significantly. This unfortunately means I must increase my service pricing where needed, while still keeping as it as low as possible where I can. In fact I have reduced some of

Steam Pro Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Tim Warden owns and operates Steam Pro Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning in Chilliwack, BC. Tim is a local resident who was referred to me by an existing client (Thanks RLM Accounting!), and he approached me to help him build a brand new website for his business as he gears up

RB Cleaning Solutions
RB Cleaning Solutions was based in Langley last year and had a website which was not SEO-friendly nor mobile-friendly. When they moved their business head quarters to Chilliwack in 2021, they wanted to completely redo the website from a local web designer that fit their budget. I was given the

Status Page updates – May 2021
There have been a few updates to the Status Page which is offered to clients, notably the following: New design New web address! Clients will be added to the notifications list for service outages and major maintenance windows in order to allow effective communication during any outages Design changes

RLM Accounting
The owner of RLM Accounting – operating in Chilliwack, BC – was seeking a complete redesign of their website, as it has had not been updated in many years, was not mobile friendly, and was not ranking well in Google search results. RLM Accounting required improved SEO for discoverability online,